Frequently asked questions

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What is a sound pack?
A sound pack is a collection of audio samples, presets, loops, and other audio elements that producers and musicians can use to create music. These packs are designed to provide inspiration and tools for music production.
How do I use the samples in a sound pack?
Samples in a sound pack can be used in your hardware samplers, workstations, or imported into your digital audio workstation (DAW) and used in your music projects. They can be dragged and dropped into your timeline, sequenced, and manipulated to fit your creative vision.
Are the sound packs royalty-free?
Yes, all sound packs available on our marketplace are royalty-free. This means you can use them in your commercial and non-commercial projects without paying additional fees.
Can I sell my own sound packs on the marketplace?
That's the idea! However, we are currently invite-only. If you Woukd like to be invited, please email us [email protected].
Does Blampacks take a cut?
Yes. We take 10% of every sound pack sold on our platform as well as the Stripe processing fee. which is 2.9% + 30¢ of every transaction.
How are payouts handled?
We use Stripe to handle payouts. In order to sell your sound packs with us, you must connect with Stripe in your Blampacks dashboard. You can learn more about Stripe from their website.
What file formats are supported?
Our marketplace supports a variety of file formats commonly used in music production, including WAV, AIFF, and MP3.
How do I download the sound packs I've purchased?
Once you've completed your purchase, you can download your sound packs directly from your account. A download link will be provided in your order history, and you'll also receive an email with the link.